Thursday, September 27, 2007

Stellar Margaritas and Mexican Beer

This evening I had dinner and drinks at El Guapos, which is a Mexican restaurant noted for their margarita selection. Although the focus of my research is on beer, I couldn't resist ordering a couple margaritas. I started out with a Margarita Ponche de Fruta Blood Orange, which tasted like a fruity ice cream slushy. Yum yum. My next selection was the Hibiscus Margarita, described on the menu as "the beauty of a Mexican flower infused with a margarita." It was pink, sweet and delicious. Once I had my margarita fix, I decided to switch to beer.

El Guapos offers a decent beer selection, including a variety of Mexican beers. I ordered a Carta Blanca. I looked up the English translation of the phrase and apparently it means 'unlimited power.' Interesting name for a beer. Many of the Mexican beers seem to be pretty similar in style. Pale lagers with slightly more flavor than Bud Light. I found Carta Blanca to be one of the better Mexican beers I've tried. It tasted very crisp with a light and fairly carbonated body. There seemed to be a hint of fruitiness to it, but I wouldn't describe it as a sweet beer. I tried to check out their website to get some more insight on the beer, but unfortunately, no hablo espanol. I thought the beer was easy enough to drink, non offensive, but not much complexity to it.

After I finished the Carta Blanca, I went for a Pacifico, but I put a lime in the bottle and the only descriptive word I could come up with after that was 'limey,' if that's even a word. I'll have to give that one a try at some other point, without the lime.


minmarie77 said...

Limey! hehe..

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that carta blanca doesn't mean unlimited power unless you were looking at the retard dictionary. Try the Spanish dictionary. It just might tell you that it means blank card or blank map or white card....

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that carta blanca doesn't mean unlimited power unless you were looking at the retard dictionary. Try the Spanish dictionary. It just might tell you that it means blank card or blank map or white card....

Christie said...

Perhaps the literal translation is white card, but one could argue that could also translate as unlimited power; like having the wild card. My 'retard dictionary' I used as reference was the translation from my apple widgets. Thanks for your comment that you felt was so insightful you needed to post twice.