Friday, March 21, 2008

Hooray beer!

Before I started this blog, I basically just drank beer without thinking too much about it. Nowadays, I feel guilty if I drink a beer with a 'devil may care' attitude. I feel like I should be taking notes, researching the brewery, observing the yeast particles, blah blah blah. But sometimes I miss the feeling of just knocking back a few and getting on with my day. Today, I decided to hell with it; it's beautiful outside, I just want to sit on my porch and drink a beer. That's all.

I opened my refrigerator and reached to the very back where I stored a few Red Stripes that had been left by a friend who stayed with me over the holidays. When she left them, I thought they would most likely sit there and waste space. With all my other options, the likelihood that I would grab a Red Stripe seemed slim. But today, it seemed like the perfect choice.

I grabbed the stocky little bottle and cracked it open. I didn't bother making one single observation or even pouring it in a glass, I just drank it. It's not a bad beer by nature, nor is it anything extraordinary. And for that, I enjoyed it immensely.

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